Crazy Pace for a Good Cause

Uros Osmokrovic

( 1/4 marathon 2024 | Member of team: Erasmus Trustfonds )

from €40 (180%)

I am passionately dedicated to creating opportunities for exceptionally talented international students aspiring to study at Erasmus University Rotterdam but facing financial barriers. With your support, we can turn these aspirations into reality. I was a very lucky international student who had the priviledge to receive Erasmus Trust Fund scholarship so lets run together and make sure the next generation of students is as lucky!

Each scholarship, valued at €15,000.00 per year, acts as a key to unlock their potential and pave the path toward academic excellence. By joining forces and contributing to the Erasmus Charity Run, not only do we help students achieve their dreams, but we also invest in their education and future, making a substantial and meaningful impact on society.

Raised €250

Raised €500

Raised €1,000

Received first donation

Received 10 donations

Received 25 donations

Received 50 donations

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27-03-2024 | 16:55
27-03-2024 | 16:54
27-03-2024 | 16:53
27-03-2024 | 16:52
27-03-2024 | 16:36