Will you help Make Dreams Come True at Erasmus University Rotterdam?

Yongjian LI

( 1/4 marathon 2024 )

from €40 (37%)

Dear family and Friends, Peers and Supporters,

I am reaching out to share a cause close to my heart - supporting talented international students who dream of studying at Erasmus University Rotterdam but lack the financial means. I've been in their shoes and know how transformative a scholarship can be.

A scholarship costs €15,000 per year, and together, we have the power to change lives. I'm participating in the Erasmus Charity Run, not just as a runner but as a believer in the potential of these students. Like my journey in education, it's a marathon, not a sprint. The scholarships I ever received during my education trajectory and beyond opened doors for me, and now, it's my turn to pave the way for others.

💖 How You Can Help: By contributing to this cause, you're not just donating but investing in the future of brilliant minds who will make a difference in our world. Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to our goal.

👟 Join Me in the Race: Whether you're a runner, a supporter, or an advocate for education, your involvement matters. Share this message, talk about the cause, and please donate through the 'Donate Now' button if you can.

Together, let's create a brighter future for these deserving students. Your support means the world to me and to them.

Thank you for your generosity and belief in a better world through education.

Raised €250

Raised €500

Raised €1,000

Received first donation

Received 10 donations

Received 25 donations

Received 50 donations

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17-02-2024 | 20:52
05-02-2024 | 17:23
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Running for a cause-my 10.5K journey

05-02-2024 | 17:03 Last week marked a significant milestone in my journey, both as a runner and an advocate for a cause very dear to me. I completed my first 10.5K run in 2024, and though my time wasn't record-breaking, it was a testament to a philosophy I hold dear: it's not about speed but about perseverance. As I laced up my running shoes and hit the track, I was filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. The distance ahead was daunting, but my determination was unwavering. Throughout the run, my pace varied, but my resolve did not. With each stride, I reminded myself of the bigger picture – this run wasn't just for me; it was for the future students of Erasmus University Rotterdam. During the run, my thoughts often drifted to the students who would benefit from our fundraising efforts. Each step felt like a stride towards their dreams, fueling my commitment to keep going, no matter the challenge. The physical strain was real, but so was the emotional uplift, knowing that this effort was part of something much bigger. Although encountered a disturbing cramp at 8k, I didn't stop and kept walking. Crossing the finish line brought me a mix of relief and pride. I may not have been the fastest, but I achieved what I set out to do. This run was a metaphor for the educational journey – it’s seldom a sprint; more often, it’s a marathon requiring endurance, resilience, and the support of those who believe in your cause. This experience has reinforced my belief in the power of persistence. It's not just about how quickly we reach our goals but the commitment to keep moving forward despite the odds. As I continue to train and fundraise, I invite each of you to join me in this endeavour. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of future students. As I look back at the 10.5K run, I realize it was more than just a physical challenge; it was a reaffirmation of my commitment to education and to those students who, with our help, can achieve their dreams. Let's continue to run, not just on tracks, but towards a future where education is accessible to all. Join the Cause with me: Your support can make a world of difference. Please consider donating or spreading the word about our scholarship fund. Every bit of help brings us closer to our goal. Together, let's keep running for the future!
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